Genital Aesthetic Procedures
Considering the privacy of our female patients, genital deformities are the problems that are complained about but cannot be expressed. When these are accompanied by sexual problems, they are accompanied by functional psychological and general health problems. Genital cosmetic problems can be divided into two categories: congenital and acquired.
Congenital ones may progress with genital anomalies and come to the forefront with puberty. Asymmetries of the external genital appearance can be asymmetries and abnormal size of the inner and outer lips, abnormal size of the clitoris and its surroundings. Of course, internal genital organs should also be examined at the same time.
Acquired ones start with complaints of sagging and looseness in the external and internal genital area after birth. This process accelerates in the postmenopausal period and the thinning of the subcutaneous tissue, which we call atrophy, is added to this.
Aesthetic plastic surgeons have different procedures that they can perform in these cases. These are;
Labiaplasty: It is the process of reducing the large and small lips (minor and major labia) that make up the female external genitalia and correcting the asymmetry if there is one. The main purpose is to reduce this structure, which provides natural genital wetness, sufficiently and to correct the cosmetic defect. Such a seemingly simple surgery can affect sexual life at a high level if not performed properly.
Vaginoplasty: This procedure, also known as vaginal tightening, is the process of tightening and tightening the vaginal canal that loosens after natural vaginal births or due to age. This procedure is a sensitive and careful procedure because it is the main structure of neighboring structures and sexual intercourse.
Genital fat injections: We make fat injections to clarify the external genital structures, especially the large labia and mons pubis (genital protrusion), which are atrophied (thinning of the subcutaneous tissue) especially after menopause. This procedure also improves the quality of the thinned skin and improves sexual function. In the procedure, the fat tissue taken from the abdominal region of the patient is injected into the genital area with thin cannulas after a short procedure under general anesthesia.
Genital whitening (bleaching) procedure: Excess dark pigmentation in the genital area cosmetically disturbs women. This complaint can be reduced with laser genital whitening, prp and mesotherapy procedures.
In genital aesthetic procedures, the results obtained as a result of sexual abstinence for about 6 weeks and genital hygiene measures are satisfactory and continue to be one of the important initiatives of plastic surgery.